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2:13 pm | 09 May 2003 | is run by mongoloid asshats

First, read this.

Oh, i am such a literary ass/whore, but i can't help it.


In this article, writer Louis Bayard quotes James Frey as saying "I don't give a fuck what Jonathan Safran whatever-his-name does" and then notes "[Ed note: He means Jonathan Franzen]". Mr. Frey is actually referring to Jonathan Safran Foer, author of "Everything is Illuminated." Even a rudimentary research attempt would have made that clear to Mr. Bayard. (Besides which, on a practical level, Jonathan Franzen is in his mid-forties, which fact alone excludes him from the 'hot young authors' club to which Frey principally limits his expressions of disdain).

Mentally noting obvious, lazy errors really disrupts my experience, and doesn't help me place much faith in the writers of your articles (much less want to subscribe). You would do well to check your facts better. Also, you are dumb.


(yes, i actually sent that. well, not the last part.)

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