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11:47 am | 27 March 2003 | movin' on up

So check it out: the 'zine that we made (basically as an excuse to talk to the very fancy Damon Bishop) is gaining momentum, and just made Pick of the Week! Quimby's sold out of it almost immediately, and we're taking it to Chicago Comix and hopefully a few places in Detroit/Ann Arbor, starting soon (we might hook up L.A. in a bit). If anyone knows of a local comics/zine shop that might want some copies, let us know. Next month's issue features an interview with Warren Ellis of Dirty Three, and also a picure of Daniel Day-Lewis with an orangutan arm Photoshopped onto his bare chest (i refuse to explain this any further). Woo! Woo! clm.

Yours truly is also featured in this month's Venus magazine. Damn, i'm all famous and shit.

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