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4:03 pm | 14 May 2003 | what hell is gonna be like

"You and [this dude i hate] will both end up in Hell together. And your version of Hell is, like, having a deep heartfelt conversation with him for eternity. And you'll have to say things like, 'I really know where you're coming from.' And his version of Hell is you saying to him, 'Why haven't we had sex yet?' and him going 'I don't know' and you going 'I do.' And then laughing for, like, three years. Ha! Ahahaha!"

-Bliss, at Kraftbrau on Tuesday

So i drove Derrick back to Michigan for a reading last night and MAN OH MAN i forgot how UTTERLY WRETCHED a lot of people's work is. Like "I'm Phillip. That's 'Fill' with an 'Ip.' And i'm 'ip' to the jive." What? What are you DOING? i am so lost. Also, don't rhyme cool, jewel, and rule, or i will call you a tool. Either that, or me and my friends will sit in the back, drinking beers and trying desperately not to crack the hell up at you, fool. Jesus. clm.

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