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10:38 am | 08 May 2003 | dirty, filthy whore

Okay so one of my friends works at Guess, so i was browsing their website today, thinking to myself "Maybe if there is something i want i will go visit him on my lunch break and divorce myself from more of my nonexistent money," when i was confronted by THIS. I HATE this model (Adriana Lima), mostly 'cause she always looks DIRTY and ABUSED, her mouth dangling open slackly with an expression that manages to combine "i am a filthy whore" with "i am on too much heroin to care." She also surfaces in Victoria's Secret ads, with the same hateful, stoned, unclean expression on her face. I mean, i really hate Gisele, but she doesn't appear AFFLICTED WITH DISEASE, at least. Who thinks she is hot? Tell me, who? WHO IS THIS DIRTY, DIRTY WHORE?? clm.

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